Full name: Emily
Nicknames: Em
Birthplace: USA.
Birthday: 2/14/06
Where Do You Live Now?: hell
Parent(s): mom and dad
Sibling(s): 5 siblings
Looks: long, brown hair/blonde highlights , blue eyes, 5'5, always in jeans and a tshirt.
Favorite Animal(s): Dogs, raccoons, cats.
Favorite TV Show(s): Daria, Skins UK, that 70s show, American horror story, Shameless, this is us.
Favorite Kind(s) Of Music: Industrial, Rock, Pop, Grunge, Metal, nu-metal.
Favorite Movie(s): Natural Born Killers, The shining, Scarface, Texas Chainsaw massacre (1974), the rocky horror picture show, carrie.
School: online because i cannot stand being in a real school atm.
Future School: Hopefully still online.
Future Job: Actress, Music artist (bassist, backing vocals) any of those i wouldn't be mad.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: None LOL i have no time for any of that. #independent
Best Buds: aimee and nayo
Favorite Candy: m&ms (peanut)
Hobbies: playing bass guitar,watching music videos, watching tv/movies, singing (horribly)
Things you collect: uh trash that's in my room because im lazy and won't take it out LOL
Favorite Body Part Of The Opposite Sex.? probably eyes or a nice smile.
Any Tattoos And Where Of What? nose and ill hopefully have an arm tat next month (june)
Piercing(s) And Where?: nostril (left) both ears, thats all (for now)
What Do You Sleep in?: shorts and a t-shirt
Do you like Chain Letters: no. they are annoying and should be DESTROYED
Best Advice: whatever you do, don't change your interests just to be friends with some stupid nobody worthless people that won't talk to you after highschool.
Favorite Quotes:"shes been diagnosed by some stupid fuck and mommy agrees yeah"
Non-sport Activity You Enjoy: listening to 90s music
Dream Car: Honestly, just any car is good for me. im not too picky i guess.
Favorite Thing To Do In Spring: Just go outside and take in the sunlight.
What’s Your Bedtime: i kind of don't have one because im not a child...so whenever
Where Do You Shop?: Wal-mart, Amazon, anywhere in the mall (probs hot topic) etc. etc.
Coke or Pepsi: hmm Coke probably because sometimes it has a lime kind of taste to it, it's interesting
Favorite Thing(s) To Wear?: t-shirt, jeans, shorts, hair clipped up, maybe a hair tie.
Favorite Subject(s) In School?: none of it im ready to be a senior and leave
Favorite Color(s): blue
Favorite People To Talk To Online: Nayo
Root-Beer or Dr. Pepper?: i think dr. pepper.
Do You Shave?: when i wanna
Favorite Vacation Spot(s): Florida probs.
Favorite Family Member(s): siblings, my mom and dad BRAH!
Did You Eat Paint Chips When You Were a Kid?: nah, im not stupid
Favorite CD you own: ten by pearl jam thanks sis
The ONE Person Who You Hate The Most: Noah. yk who the hell you are.
Favorite Food(s): mac and cheese
Who Is The Hottest Guy or Girl In The World?: guy: Matt Cameron OR Eddie Vedder. Girl: vince neil shes so hot
What Is Your Favorite Salad Dressing?: Ranch
When You Die, Do You Wanna Be Buried or Burned Into Ashes?: burn me.
Do You Believe In Aliens?: Hell yeah i do!!!
If You Had The Chance To Professionally Do Something, What would You Do?: play in a band
Things You Obsess Over: bands, bass guitars, and matt cameron
Favorite Day of the Week: Friday because it's close to the weekend
A Teacher You Hate: hmm idk
Favorite Disney Movie: dont have
What Is Your Favorite Season?: fall when its summer, and summer when its fall
What Toppings Do You Like On Your Pizza?: everything thats good
Do You Like Your School Food Itself (As In The District Food): no, it was hella trash when i went to real school.
If You Could Live Anywhere, Where Would You Live?: Germany
Favorite Thing(s) To Do On Weekends: shop
favorite magazine(s): people. specifically the prince mag i have
favorite flower(s): ???
Favorite number(s): 18, 777, 64
Favorite ice cream flavor(s): Vanilla, neapolitan, rocky road.
What kind of Guys/Girls are you attracted to?: fun and have a great sense of humor, someone who likes to do something crazy or exciting.
what's your most embarrassing moment?: rereading this website
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? probs weight god...
Do you eat breakfast first then brush your teeth or brush your teeth then eat breakfast?: uhh you eat first. ur food cant taste like toothpaste
Favorite timee of day?: 6pm
Can a guy and girl be just "best friends?": yeah
Do you ask the Girl/Guy out or do you wait for them to come to you?: have to ask
What's the most important thing in someone's personality: caring.
Do you have a pager or a cell phone?: yeah i have a phone
favorite sport: Soccer.
What is the best gift you ever received?: My ukulele that inspired me to make music.
How long did it take you to finish this letter?: as im on neocities, 15-20 min..
What did you listen to while completing it?:grunge music
Are you or would you like to be married in the near future (next 5 years)?: Nah.
uhhh idk what else to say sooooo.... BYE!